Stronger Cells, Stronger You
Fatty15 Test
Health starts at the cellular level. Fragile, damaged cells can accelerate aging and lead to chronic metabolic, liver, heart, and immune diseases. The Fatty15 Test evaluates key C15:0 levels, checks your cell membrane's strength, and identifies signs of damaged cells. Understanding your levels allows you to develop a plan to restore your cellular strength and slow cellular aging through diet or supplements.
If cell membranes are low in C15:0, they can become fragile, leading to the Cellular Fragility Syndrome. An estimated 1 in 3 people have a nutritional C15:0 deficiency, which can accelerate aging and negatively affect our long-term metabolic, heart, and liver health.
The Fatty15 Test measures your C15:0 levels, which allows you to fix nutritional C15:0 deficiencies, optimize your cellular strength, and slow cellular aging.