Genova Connect
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Supporting Recovery in WNC with MANNA FoodBank

At Genova Connect, we're excited to share that through the end of this year, we'll donate up to 10% of sales to MANNA FoodBank, supporting Western North Carolina's recovery from Hurricane Helene.

As an Asheville-based company, we're committed to helping the community we call home. Supporting our neighbors through these challenging times feels like the least we can do, and we're grateful to be part of the recovery efforts.

How MANNA FoodBank is Making a Difference

MANNA FoodBank has been on the frontlines of disaster relief since Hurricane Helene. With flooding disrupting lives and food supplies across WNC, MANNA quickly mobilized to provide essential items - even with their own warehouse destroyed in the flooding. From fresh produce and groceries to baby supplies, their efforts ensure families in need get the support they deserve.

MANNA also goes beyond food distribution, offering SNAP support, nutrition education, and building partnerships to secure long-term access to healthy food for families across 16 counties in Western North Carolina.

How You Can Help

Taking care of your health is important - and with every order placed on Genova Connect, you'll be making a difference. We're donating 5% of every single purchase through the end of the year to MANNA FoodBank. But here's a challenge:

Double your impact when you opt to skip a coupon code! For every order placed without a coupon code, we'll double our donation to 10%.

Let's turn your healthy choices into a way to support our community!

Stronger Together

This holiday season, our donations to MANNA FoodBank will amplify their incredible impact, ensuring no one in WNC goes hungry. We invite you to join us in supporting MANNA and the local organizations working tirelessly to restore hope and stability in our region.

For more information on MANNA, visit their official site. Together, we can make a difference and help our community rebuild.

This article is meant for educational purposes only and is not meant to be misconstrued as medical diagnosis or treatment advice.