Genova Diagnostics
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GI University

GI University is an online resource for quick, educational vignettes that offer key clinical value points on our line of gastrointestinal testing. Each installment will show how the assessment of relevant biomarkers can reveal potential underlying root causes of common gastrointestinal concerns.

Interpreting the GI Effects Profile
Interpreting the GI Effects Profile
GI University - Clinical Pearls

GI University is a learning resource that will continue to expand, as installments will be added regularly. Our educational resources are always in session, so visit at your convenience!

How Can We Help?

Customer Support: Contact us for assistance with test selection, billing & payment and general support:
Phone: 800–522–4762
Fax: 828–252–9303
Email: Online Form
Business Hours: 8:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. EST