Menopause Plus™

Menopause Plus is a comprehensive, non-invasive salivary/urine assay for the analysis of oestradiol, progesterone, testosterone and oestrogen metabolites as well as cortisol, DHEA, and melatonin. Results can be used to identify imbalances contributing to menopause symptoms and various systemic disorders, and to determine the need for hormone replacement therapy as well as the effect of stress hormones on sex hormones.

Optional Add-on:

  • Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)
    • Two awakening samples to evaluate CAR
    • CAR is a transient, immediate rise in cortisol upon awakening and is distinct from the diurnal rhythm. CAR reflects a person's ability to cope with anticipated challenges and their perception of control around chronic stress, providing insight into HPA axis resiliency.
    Analyte List
    16 alpha-hydroxyestrone
    2 - Hydroxyestrone
    Specimen Requirements
    Specimen Requirements: 6 saliva samples (2ml) and 2 x 8ml First Morning Urine (frozen)